According to our plan, today was the day to head towards their place via Rambandh! We had heard that Rambandh is a very nice route which may sometimes yield some fantastic opportunities. As the rickshawallas are not permitted to enter that area (!) they only showed us the way and directed us to how to go and where and what to look for!

Already the morning was very fruitful with some good opportunities with the Nilgai in the morning sun, I was on my toes and as we stepped into the area it looked very promising! The trail was very picturesque and I was expecting Jackal to come through the woods towards us!!! If you think its too much of an imagination (I also had thought the same initially! :)) then you will be shocked to know that the same thing has happened actually! A lone Jackal came just on the path and as we were far it kept coming with ease and disappeared into the grassland again before I could make couple of clicks!

The morning mist was slowly unwrapping the surroundings and the big guy Greater Spotted Eagle was already on the hunt for ducks, probably for a breakfast menu!

Had some good time watching him though couldn't make any good images! So we headed towards the center of attraction and we knew that Ganesh was already there to welcome them! :)
When we reached the place there was only one guy and was happily enjoying the morning Sun. As we all took positions to shoot (sounds like military language right??? ;)) ---

another guy joined and we now had a good company to pose for us!

The opportunity was nice to make some back lit images as well and I tried couple of tries.We had seen another fella nearby who was sitting quite far and looked as if he was not interested in joining the group!

After about half an hour, the third guy finally decided to pose for us with the group! The company was amazing and we all enjoyed a lot! The trio were there at the place for quite some time before one of them thought of moving to a lower branch.

The branch that they were sitting was also very artistic and it appeared to me as the Hand of Mother Nature asking is "Whats happening here??"

After spending about an hour, capturing various expressions and angles we were waiting for something interesting to happen!

Nature pays well for the people with patience. This time also it dint disappointed us! A pair of Squirrel came into the picture and they seem to be not happy with the place where the owlets have occupied currently! So they wanted them to flush them away. They started coming to very close to the comfort of the bird but still they held their ground! We were all very excited to see what happens next! After few failure attempts the Squirrel gave up the job and slowly went back accepting its defeat!

By that time, the light was already getting harsh and I have decided to move ahead.

My plan was to walk on the brick road where I had a fantastic encounter with the Jungle Cat the other day!
The Brick Road had become one of my favorite trails in the high noon which gives good shade and controlled light to photograph in the high noon as well. Hence I was stepping towards the Brick Road and the Sun was already soaring high! My plan was to sit quietly for about an hour just to try my luck again.
As I entered the brick road, I saw a female Nilgai was standing on the road with a treepie on its back! The rows of trees and the path together were giving a very nice opportunity to make an image. I sat immediately to make sure that the Nilgai doesn't notice me immediately. Made some images and sat quietly. Unfortunately there were some tourists who came and spoiled the show. The Nilgai disappeared in the woods and there I was, sitting alone on an empty path now!

Wait of about an hour dint yielded much apart from a flying flock of Common Cranes. As it was noon, I have decided to step ahead and join my team for lunch.

On the way, got some good company of Pied King Fisher! As Pramod and Shiv were treading a longer route I had to wait for them to join me for lunch. So decided to try some luck with the PKF!

After lunch, my plan was simple - to spend the last Sunset of the tour by sitting at a serene place! I had decided the place as well and just after the lunch I took all the gear and spent the whole evening on the banks of a marshy land from where I could see a vast area and in one corner the setting of the Sun.

The sunset that day was also very colorful as usual and it was hard on our part to realise that the sunset we were witnessing was the last sunset of the tour of Bharatpur!
We were left with only half a day more the next day, before we start towards Ranathambore!
Lovely images. Enjoyed the report. Hope to see you on Saturday :)
Wonderful post!
Hey really nice images. Wonderful blog...
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