Life has become bit busy!
Acquired Nikon D300. But ever since life has become busy as we started shifting our home! Shifting home is a pain! and off late I have realised that there is a rule of thumb that you will lose one or the other things (mostly the important ones!!) in the process of packing and unpacking. Where does those things go?? - No idea! Law of conservation of Energy (perhaps 'things'?) seems to get deceived in this process as we cannot account for the disappearance of the things in the transit! I am yet to fig out whats my stake this time!

On a related note, while discussing with one of my colleagues I was mentioning that shifting home is like building a new software from scratch! (Perhaps you will have the framework - the boundaries of house!) All the old database (of where the things are at home) in your mind will become obsolete and you need to define new data structures and build a totally new database altogether, from scratch! Bugs in the design are a kind of prone in the initial stages as there will be trials and errors to finally make the things stabilize! :)

In the discussion I was mentioning that the Software Management Processes that the software Industries follow (like CMMI Level 5 etc) , something similar may help in this process as well. Like - Feasibility Study [Studying as to all the major things will occupy proper places or not].Documenting before you start packing the things and have a clear cut idea as to where exactly these things will be placed at the new place [Like what the Process tells - make the Design Document before you actually design! :)]. Then calling for a review (!!) from family members and reviewing/incorporating their comments! And then going ahead with implementation. This helps in finding the things while unpacking and saves time in thinking where to keep what! At the end it all depends on how much time you have to complete the shifting! ;) [ Time to Market - Lesser the time , more the deviation from the process!! :)]

In the mean time made a small trip around to test D300. Some results are shared here.

Need to arrange the things.... Office is calling on weekends.... Winter misty mornings are calling outside....
...... and I am busy updating my database........
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