I don't know why but the evenings agitate me much than the mornings. May be the colors, or may be the setting sun, or may be the feel of 'another day has passed' or it may be the rising moon! But for sure, I am emotionally attached to the evenings.... more than the mornings.
The colors that the sky wears once the sun is set is just amazing. That will last for a very short time but for me it gives lots emotions and thoughts before the darkness spreads over it.
For a photographer one who loves to capture the colors of nature, the evening gives tremendous opportunity. While making some of these images the temp was near zero and I realized it only when I started packing me equipment! :) Some of these moments will go down into my memories....
Hope u will enjoy this too...
- Ash
Very true! Nothing can beat the natural colors! :-)
yes, I agree with you Ashwin,
and what a nice set of photographs to assert the evening mood.. i was pretty impressed in my first visit to your page.. Kudos...look forward to more of this kind...
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