Sunday, November 27, 2011

Shapes and forms

This winter is proving to be very enjoyable for me in terms of photography. The misty mornings that we had for about a month has proved very fruitful. I spent a couple of mornings on the last few weekends at T.G.Halli, on the outskirts of Bangalore photographing that aspect, which we get to see only during the winters - the dews. 

Each time when I arrived at the place for the first half an hour or so I was going blank on what to shoot and how. But as the morning sun slowly comes out each time he was opening up the mind and by that time I was immersed in the essence of the place and I was finding myself amidst an immense opportunity each time.

Last time when I went to the place I was moved by some of the shapes and forms of the grass and the way they were beautified by the morning dews. I got glued to my viewfinder for long. The result is this blog where I have shared some of those creations.

Hope you enjoy.
